The management team of CSI Construction, believes all our employees have a right to work in a safe and healthy work environment and return home safely at the end of every working day. We are certified in ISO 45001 ((Health & Safety Management System) which helps us ensure all precautions are taken to protect our employees
The preservation of employee Health and Safety must remain a constant consideration in every phase of our business. We will provide the resources necessary to manage, control or eliminate all Safety and Health hazards.
We believe with a Health and Safety plan supported with written procedures, effective trainings and management’s participation, it is possible to reach our goal of ‘”zero accident work environment”.
Safety begins at the top and goes downward throughout the company. The primary goal of CSI Construction is to create a “zero accident” work environment in every project. By achieving this goal our company will continue operating a profitable business while protecting employees from injuries, illness or harm. This can be achieved in part by delegating responsibility and accountability to all individual party involved in our operation.